Unfinished business

This month has been very busy with a flu bug, birthday, visiting friends and now I'm leaving town for ten days.   All that makes this join my stock pile of wip's.  I wasn’t planning on working on this sketch for much more.  Just a few darks to define jawline better and of course a few... Continue Reading →

You can’t hurry love

And just in case you're wondering what the scribble has to do with the song - nothing!  It's what I found myself humming lately when I thought it's taking me too long to get back to painting.  The last year and half was meant to be spent acquiring skills that I knew I was lacking... Continue Reading →


I subscribe to About.com's Painting newsletter run by Marion Boddy-Evans.  Today it led me to a post on What Hurtful Things Have People Said When Commenting on a Painting? I read a few and discovered that while I didn’t have the same experiences I had shared some of the same feelings. When I started out... Continue Reading →

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