about this site

I have a keen interest in drawing, painting and sculpture.  draw the line has  the results of my participation in EDM, Illustration Friday, WetCanvas! and a few more. The challenges and projects are helping me practice, learn, develop and improve.

Further, for me, growth does not take place in isolation. There is something special in the quality of learning found in a group.  Like minded people focussing on the same subject.   Exponential growth follows as the learning spirals upwards and outwards with each contribution.  I had hoped to somehow be part of a similar environment online.

Sharing, suggestions, advice and comments help me widen my horizons, makes me fine tune my thinking and develop along this path.  I hope you will join me on my journey and let me know what you think.

9 thoughts on “about this site

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  1. Hello, I want to thank you for your comments on my blog. I realy appreciate it. And I realised I look a lot at your work, but didn’t comment. Why, mostly because I’m asthonised about what I see. You’re doing great and I’m amazing by the evolution of your evolution step by step. As I’m not that experienced it’s difficult for me to give useful advice, I can only say; keep up the good work. I’m looking forward to see more.

  2. Hi Martine, I’m terrible about commenting too so I fully understand 😀 Thank you for the compliment. I have not considered myself experienced because I look around and see how far i have to travel. I guess the marker keeps moving forward! I hope you will continue to stop by to look and occasionally leave me your opinion.

  3. Hello, i was just looking online for some tips to begin my first linocut. I have drawn since little but just decided to go to art college this year (33, me). My printmaking tutor gave me a board, one piece of lino and some cutting tools. I think your linocut is amazing. I am just looking for tips, for cutting and carving my image…


  4. hi enya, sorry about the delay. firstly, congratulations! on heading back to college especially for art. I’m envious and ready to head back to audit another year 😀

    Cant be of much help as I have made just one linocut so far. Decided to just jump in. With the first one there is never anything to lose. Fell in love with the feel of the layers being removed and the shape coming to life and kept at it. Have to confess that i liked the carved up lino more than the prints i was able to take. My limited knowledge and access to paper did not help. Do check out Amie Roman and Belinda del Pesco’s blogs for great tips and examples.

    best of luck!

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